You may have first spotted him with the Helix Academy boys winning Movie of the Year at the 14th Annual Cybersocket Web Awards, but now Helix Studios is proud to officially introduce our newest Exclusive Model, 19-year old Liam Riley.
Fans will get their first taste of Liam’s strong body and smooth seductive powers in his porn debut Sex En Rouge. Liam comes to Helix Studios as a decorated cheerleader with no better trophy or proof of his hard work and winner’s pedigree then his own strong, tight body. Rest assured, Helix has put these attributes to good use: “The way he moves and bends is something beautiful to watch” Director of Operations, Deniz Bilgin says. “He is an acrobat of sex. We know the fans will fall in love with him like we have.”
“Liam has a special kind of talent, gifted with an adorable smile, natural sex appeal, not to mention one of the most perfect, roundest, smoothest bubble butts ever to grace the screen. Unlike his cheerleading skills, no amount of training can produce these results. He was born that way,” touts Bilgin.

Now on the verge of becoming a Helix star, Liam was first a Helix fan. He dreamed of working with the likes of Evan Parker or Andy Taylor so for this special young man’s debut we’ve granted Liam his wish as he stars with Andy in Helix’s newest short feature film:
The curtains part. The stage lights come on. The bed is lowered into position…

You can follow Liam Riley @LiamRileyXXX

Liam is a real baby doll! I carefully inspected every inch of his tight little body and found him to be a very sweet treat! Just like a puppy, I never want him to get older.
I want apple to come back!
LR comes across as incapable (sp?) of a ungraceful move. I adore the voice and beautiful skin.