5 thoughts on “Good Times With Dustin & Kevin”

  1. Seth or Dennis:

    Is there going to be a way for us to favorite the Live Shows into our own “favorites” catagory? Or maybe in the Live section you have a drop down where you can see which Lives have run and click on it to watch it when you want?

    And looking in the model section really wouldn’t help. After 6 months of Lives you might forget a model and it would be hard to find his show.

    Just think if you do 2 Live Shows a month six months from now trying to find the one you want to watch along with the 5 new scenes you put out each week. You could be looking through about 135 scenes just to find the show you want to see.

    You guys are much better at computers than me but can you see how this can snowball…and fustrate a someone.

    • Hi Bobby,

      We will be listing all pre-recorded live shows on the Live page. However, you can already easily access them if you go to Videos on the top navigation, and select “Live Shows” from the themes drop down. All pre-recorded live shows will be visible there.


  2. Thanks Deniz,

    I would never have thought to look in the Video drop down area for the Live Shows. That will make it much easier to find if I should miss one or want to watch them again.



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